Business Loan Checklist

We will process your application and give you an answer as quickly as possible, however, in order to do so we need certain information from you. Please provide all of the applicable information as noted. You may call for an appointment with a Loan Officer or your loan application package can be dropped off at any County First Branch to the attention of the Loan Department; Or mailed to Loan Department, County First Bank, P.O. Box 2752, La Plata, MD 20646:

Click here to view a printable copy of this checklist

  • Commercial Loan Application
  • Last three years personal tax returns
  • Completed Personal Financial Statement
  • Last three years tax returns of all related business entities, including, LLC’s, Partnerships and Corporations
  • Signed year to date interim financial statement for your business(es)
  • Schedule of monthly payments (corporate debt)
  • Credt Card Processor Statements
  • Copy of ratified contract or invoice to purchase asset you wish to finance (if applicable)
  • Proof of insurance of asset being financed, name and telephone number of insurance agent
  • Regulation B Notice of Intent
  • Driver’s License, passport or other valid identification

Often, the above requested information is substantially all the information we need to make a decision, however, we sometimes find that more information may be necessary. In either case, the sooner we get the above information, the sooner we will be able to begin the underwriting process and get back to you with a response.