Personal Savings

County First Bank understands the value of giving you several options for savings. Our Minor Savings account makes savings a family affair, while our Money Market account offers the best opportunity to earn more money. Our Customer Service Representatives will discuss the balances you keep and help you decide your most effective savings strategy.

Statement Savings Minor Statement Savings Money Market
Ideal for you if…  you want to earn interest with a low minimum balance  you are under 18  you want to earn higher interest and can maintain a $2,500 daily average balance
Minimum to open $200 $1 $2,500
Minimum balance $200 $0 $2,500 to earn interest
Monthly Service Charge*  $5 None $10
Earns Interest Yes Yes Yes
Online Banking Free Free Free
eStatements Free Free Free
Transactions per month**  6 allowed with a $3 fee over 3 transactions 6 allowed  6 allowed with an $8 fee over 3 transactions

* Monthly service charge will apply if the daily balance falls below the account minimum.

** Maximum allowed per Federal Regulation D